"Change your habits and you can change your life."
--Yogi Bhajan
Like every new year, we all want to make resolutions that will lead to a better life. Statistics show that only 1-9% of people stick to their resolutions up to a year. Why is this? Why do we enter this spiral of constantly promising ourselves we are going to make change for the better to find out we can't?
The truth is that we are a product of our habits: both good and bad. Obviously in order to make change we need to become aware of our bad habits which stop us from making progress in life. Practicing Kundalini Yoga is one of the most efficient and disciplinary ways to burn a bad habit and then substitute it with a good one. Kundalini Yoga is a millenary practice that allows us to reach our human potential on earth- this is impossible to do if we let our habits control us.
Here is a daily checklist to get you started toward "bad habit breaking".
You can begin to start becoming aware of subconscious habits that don't serve you, allowing you to make change toward your life potential.
Daily meditation with Kundalini Yoga:
Meditating daily and consistently changes our brain wave and lies down new circuits that create positive stimulation that eventually "burns out" negative habits. Make it approachable and start with 3 minutes, slowly working up to 11 minutes a day. These are time amounts that create a shift in our energy. I recommend the meditation to remove emotional blocks.
Kundalini Yoga meditations that help clear bad habits.
Meditation to relieve stress and emotions of the past is a great start.
Sit in easy pose and look at the tip of your nose. Place the hands at the center of the chest with the tips of the thumbs touching each other and each of the fingers touching the corresponding fingers on the opposite hand. Leave space between the palms. The fingertips are pointing upward. Breathe 4 times per minute: inhale 5 seconds, hold 5 seconds, exhale 5 seconds.
Start with 3 minutes and work up to 11.
This meditation addresses family issues, phobia and neurosis and can remove unsettling thoughts from the past that can lead to bad habits.
Kundalini Yoga mantras that clear bad habit
Kundalini yoga mantras are all very powerful and change the brain waves with their deep meanings that are actually expressed in the words.
One of the easiest and most effective mantras to start with is "Sat nam" which means "Truth is my name". By chanting this mantra you align yourself to your higher self and clear away doubt and anxiety that lead to bad habits. Out true self represents our highest earthly potential which is out birthright.
Once you haver rewired your prefrontal cortex and become mindful and aware of your daily activities, you will find that New Year's resolutions aren't necessary anymore as your life actually shifts on an every day basis.
