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3 Secrets to Sound-Harnessing the Language of Frequency

Immagine del redattore: Mia LunaMia Luna

Aggiornamento: 3 dic 2024

The universe doesn't communicate with words; it speaks The Language of  frequency. Those who understand the mystery of sound understand the structure of the universe.

Everything that came into being emits a vibration that can be “heard” or “felt”. Traveling through air or water, sound waves can be perceived by the ears or the cells in our body. This fact leads to a very important aspect to our physical and mental well-being. spoken words (audible sounds) or thoughts (silent sounds) travel from one being to another in communication through the air and ether. The higher the vibration the less dense and the more etheric the sound is to what we speak and hear. Let’s dig deeper into 3 secrets of sound which we should all be aware of during this challenging time in history where communication and relationships are really suffering due to a loss of identity powered by social media and the digital age.

  1. Sound and the Fifth Chakra

Interestingly, ether is the element of the fifth chakra called  the vishuddha which means “pure” in Sanskrit and is located in the throat area. Center of communication the vishuddha is the gateway where the energy moves from the lower chakras up to the mind and 6th chakra creating sound and vibration felt by the entire body. Initially it is expressed as air but travels through ether. Ether is the higher and purer form of air which creates the space of who we really are.  In fact, we accomplish a balanced communication by chanting mantras during meditation. This allows our mindfulness before speaking and emitting "pure" words.

  1. The Words We Speak

We all know how powerful words can be. We draw to ourselves whatever we are vibrating. Speaking and thinking against our true nature not only can ruin relationships but it also gives a false expression of our authentic selves. Morover, as mentioned previously, the words we speak need to be truth, and positive. Our bodies are made up of 75% water and studies have shown how words affect the composition of water molecules. Renowned Japanese Dr Masaru Emoto found that negative words created broken water molecules while positive words create beautiful water crystals. Imagine how our body can be phsyically affected by words if we are made up mostly of water?

We can correct this by mindful living and meditation as well as doing yoga that enhances and balances the throat chakra, allowing us to speak from a higher consciousness.

  1. The Sounds We Hear

As mentioned before, sound and its vibration are everywhere and constant. Studies show that the frequency of 432 hertz is the most effective in sound healing since mathematically it is the most attained to the patterns of the universe.

The environment we live in may have sounds that are healthy or unhealthy for our mental and physical wellbeing. When we live in a city of noise pollution or have to listen to verbal abuse or negative works coming from the news- this will actually affect us negatively on a cellular level. Luckily this can be cured with sound therapy and healing by listening to certain music, crystal bowls, Tibetan bowls along with one of the most powerful tools used for healing: the Gong ( The Science of Gong Baths & Sound Healing ( It is interesting to note that the planetary gongs are associated with the vibration of the planets creating a certain effect. For example the Mercury Gong is the planet of communication and will balance the fifth energy center. 

Sound is undoubtedly one of the most powerful media that our senses perceive. It affects us on all three levels: physical, mental and spiritual, creating a healing experience with the right vibrations. As sound is an interactive experience, we can benefit from it both passively through listening and actively through meditation.



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